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Today in Cartoon History

Inkwell Films Run Out of Money
October 1926 - Max Fleischer moves to file bankruptcy for Inkwell Films.
Hanna-Barbera's The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones is Released
October 1987 - Hanna-Barbera's classic animated film The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones is first aired.

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    ToonJet Classic Cartoon Blog

    Top 10 Best 3D Animated Films of all Time

    Who doesn't like a good animated movie? The past few years have seen a boom in 3D animated movies, and I will try to sum up the best of the best of the least worst and leave out the worst of the most bad. On top of the latest and greatest, it includes a couple of the classics. The art and the industry have already begun to change and expand...

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    Posted on Mon Dec. 27, 2021 by J.T. Blevins

    Although the pandemic has really hit a lot of us hard, we must try to stay vigilant and try to keep our eyes glued to some cartoons as much as possible! No really, as morale drops and we feel pressure from the powers that be, try to find a place to go to keep you from falling into that dark cavern that is emptiness and depression.

    As we go into a new year, have hope and joy for the things that we do have and the things that are coming over the horizon. Because even though things look bleak, our best days are yet to come! Although I work full-time as a software developer, I do try to keep ToonJet updated with new cartoons and content when I have a second or two in order to keep that dark, empty cavern lit with our favorite cartoons. I made a commitment years ago to try to track down some of my favorite cartoons of yesteryear and share them, and I hope to continue to hold up that commitment.

    So, here's to a new year with new cartoons to look forward to. Share them with your friends, and if you have kids, be sure to pass on our glorious toony history with them as well! God bless you and your family, and here's to a fruitful new year!

    --J.T. Blevins

    Posted on Fri Mar. 19, 2021 by J.T. Blevins

    Let me tell you a story. I started ToonJet in 2008 to introduce the current generation to a bit of culture from my childhood (I mean, I watched a lot of cartoons in my youth, but they weren't released in my childhood. I'm not that old...just FYI :D). At the time, there were no good places to watch cartoons online, so I began sharing my collection. Once I got a ways into development of the website, I decided to pursue monetizing my work as an incentive to stay busy.

    A few years later, the YouTube corporate machine came barrelling through and began hitting me with copyright claims (at least a hundred) and demonetizing my videos at every turn. Soon, Google also deactivated all Adsense ads on ToonJet. I realized that hosting the videos myself would be too expensive for a hobbyist like myself, so eventually, I looked for other outlets to handle video streaming, with or without monetization. Cartoons are a love of mine, and I wasn't going to let the corporation snuff out the little guy. I went through several, and all of them eventually either shut down or started narrowing their focus so that only certain types of videos were allowed.

    All of this is to say that although I love posting cartoons and made it a hobby of mine to be able to bring you the coolest in public domain videos, it hasn't been without its difficulties. I am announcing that the site is now set up to accept tips in the form of cryptocurrency through the Brave web browser. If you want to contribute to further development on ToonJet and you're already a Brave user, click on the triangle icon in the address bar and get started with BAT (Brave's Basic Attention Tokens).

    Either way, ToonJet will always strive to bring you the best cartoon classics, so stick with us. The corporations can take your money but they can't take your soul!

    Posted on Wed Aug. 23, 2017 by J.T. Blevins

    So, since I haven't posted much news since I have been in school the last couple of years, I figured I would share a few things that were going on.

    Next week I start school back. It's the beginning of my Senior year in college, so it's kind of exciting for me. I was in summer school trying to earn some credits up until August 11th, so I only got about a 2 week break in between classes. In that time, I have been able to experiment with some new website design techniques I have learned in school.

    A couple of days ago, however, I had two new problems arise with this very website. First, my server crashed. Not just crashed, but really crashed. The system my sites were running on would not boot up but just for a few seconds, and then shut down again. Probably fried the motherboard. That was only the first problem.

    Then, I received an email from Google stating the Youtube account I have been using to upload some of the videos seen on ToonJet was being shut down because of non-compliance with their terms. Not the first time this has happened, but when you're only uploading public domain videos, it's kind of hard to make that case.

    So first of all, I have migrated my entire server to another machine. I began keeping backups of all of my data and files for this very reason. It isn't perfect, but it cost me under $100 and it seems to be working marvelously so far. As far as the other problem, you have probably noticed that I have begun to use Vimeo as the new video server. You may still see some Youtube videos on ToonJet, but going forward, I will be using Vimeo exclusively, and probably migrating some of the old videos over to Vimeo as well.

    One good thing that came of all of this was I had a chance to go back and troubleshoot some problems the site was having with signups. I noticed a huge gap in time between signups, and realized that the signup system wasn't working at all. So, I went in and  found the problem and hopefully all is well with that now.

    Whether you're an old friend of ToonJet or just coming aboard, welcome and let's enjoy some cartoons, shall we?

    --J.T. Blevins

    Posted on Fri Aug. 22, 2014 by J.T. Blevins

         Years ago, I started ToonJet as a project to hone my skills as a web programmer, and as to support my addiction to cartoons, which has been a problem since the days of Saturday mornings spent sitting in front of the television laughing at cartoons that were already over 40 years old. Thirty years later, here I am writing about some of those same cartoons which have brought joy to children the world over. I consider cartoons a part of our heritage, and something that should be shared with everyone.

         Over the past couple of years, as I have done pretty much throughout my entire life, I have gone through changes, including losing a job that was challenging, rewarding, stable and a major source of income, helping my children as they grow and face challenges at school, starting back to school myself at the age of 36. I have somehow managed to balance all of this with my other obsessions, including ToonJet and other projects that I have begun with varying degrees of success.

         Although ToonJet doesn't directly compete with some of the newest of technologies, I have tried to incorporate features that I thought that people would appreciate, including the social aspects that allow you to favorite cartoons, leave comments, rate them, and actually interact based on what brought you here, which was more than likely an interest in cartoons.

         Apparently over the years as I have neglected the site more than I wanted to, readership has dropped somewhat. Even so, ToonJet receives hundreds of visitors per day, and gets tens of thousands of pageviews each month! As I am sure you noticed, ToonJet once ran on two major sources of income. One being advertising revenue which was gained through the video-serving company, Blip.tv. As of October 8th of last year, I was notified that ToonJet did not fit into Blip's producer lineup, and my account was discontinued. This came as a blow, as I had to quickly find a way to keep the videos online, and I was able to migrate ToonJet's library of 500+ videos over to Youtube within the course of a month or so.

         This month, ToonJet was dealt another blow, losing the ability to display Google Adsense ads anywhere on the site, in part because the videos were embedded "from other hosts", being Google's own Youtube. This put the site's revenue effectively at around zero dollars.

         But, I am writing this to say that I don't plan to discontinue ToonJet anytime soon. Whether the site still makes money or not, I plan to try to keep it working for as long as I can. It has not been easy. If it had been anyone else, they would have surely walked away by now. These examples are only a small sample of the problems I have faced with the silly little site featuring Dinky the Dog as its mascot, but we have come this far. Why stop now?

         You will probably continue to see some form of advertising or another, but even so, I am in the process of finding ways to reduce the clutter, especially on the main page. I believe people still want to watch the cartoons that have been replaced with bold 3D animation and modern cartoons that kids today will understand. Whether the major companies today want to allow you to "waste" your time watching those lost classics of yesteryear, I will keep the site up for as long as possible, whether it makes money or not. So for those who continue to stick around, I know I've said it before, but thank you.

    Posted on Mon May. 26, 2014 by J.T. Blevins

    Take a moment to honor all of our veterans and military servicemen who gave their lives to keep our country safe and free. Happy Memorial Day!

    Posted on Fri Feb. 07, 2014 by J.T. Blevins

    On February 5th, ToonJet.com visitors who browsed the site on a mobile phone began to experience the new ToonJet mobile site! In all honesty, the format has been in the works for a couple of years, but never completed. Hopefully the final version holds up to the cartoon-lovers who want to experience classic toons on the go. Obviously, it is not going to be perfect by any means, and the features may not work exactly as expected 100% of the time, but hopefully over time the kinks will all get ironed out. But in my opinion, when browsing the site on a handheld screen, it is much more helpful to be able to actually read the site and to be able to see the videos rather than making your eyeballs explode from squinting so hard! :) And like I mentioned, it is far from perfect, and there are features that I want to implement, but may not be able to for some time, so please no hate mail...just joking. I like hearing from fans of the site, even if you are an avid hater. So, without further ado, go to your nearest phone and check it out!

    Posted on Fri Sep. 27, 2013 by J.T. Blevins

    I wanted to take the time to thank everyone who visits ToonJet regularly. I was recently separated from my day job, and I am now attending college. I have been blessed enough to be able to use the revenue from ToonJet to pay for my classes so far. I am pursuing a degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Information Technology so that I can continue doing what I love, but also make it my profession. So far, I have not had to get student loans for my classes because of the money I had saved up from ToonJet over the last five years. If all continues to go well, I may be able to pay for all of my college classes solely with the money from ToonJet and my other couple of websites! So, ToonJet will stay on track for as long as I can keep on doing it.

    On another note, I have been updating ToonJet with some minor improvements. Most of them (as usual) are on the backend, but one thing that might be of interest is the ToonJet ToonFeed. I have updated the links to reflect the correct ToonFeed link. The old one was created with Feedburner, but I have since created an RSS system built into the ToonJet website. You can subscribe to this link through various services, such as Google Reader, or if you click on it in Firefox, you can add it to your live feeds as a bookmark.

    Once again, thanks for your support. Thanks for helping me to live my dream and I hope to see you around!

    --J.T. Blevins

    Posted on Sun Sep. 08, 2013 by J.T. Blevins

    I know you're asking, "What can I do to promote the best classic cartoon site ever?" I often find myself thinking this, so I can relate. If you want to help promote ToonJet and keep up with the latest in cartoon news, like us on FaceBook! Or, if you're a Google Plus pioneer, check us out on there, as well. ToonJet would love your support, as building our army of toon-heads is always ongoing. Thanks for watching, and hope to see you there!

    --J.T. Blevins

    Posted on Tue May. 14, 2013 by J.T. Blevins

    Just thought I would say that I have been working on some minor upgrades that might go unnoticed by most ToonJet visitors, but they mainly consist of a lot of technical changes, making the inner workings of the site work much faster, meaning faster loading times, better performance, etc. I also changed the login function so as to whisk you back to where you were after you log in. It may not be the most exciting upgrade, but I thought I would share it anyway. As always, thanks for watching!


    Posted on Sat May. 11, 2013 by J.T. Blevins

    This past Monday, I had hernia surgery. Not because I wanted to, but because I am such a hard worker that my muscles blew a hole in my abdominal wall. Yes, it is that dramatic.

    I'm not sure exactly what I was doing to explode my abdomen. It could have been when I was lifting giant pieces of wood to build an orphanage for poor abandoned children.

    Perhaps it was when I wrestled a lion to save an african tribe. Wow, the gratitude in those little starving children's eyes...

    I hate to sound like I'm tooting my own horn, but maybe it was when I was rapelling down a rock face and met with certain doom when a boulder began to fall on me and the 3 month old child I was carrying with me to get him to his mother who would certainly die without a vial of his blood to fight off a rare disease.

    Regardless of the reason, I hope you will keep me in your prayers. I am beginning to recover slowly with the help of the internet, Facebook, and my video games. I am also trying to make some updates to ToonJet when I am able. I will be out of work until the beginning of June, and then I will be working and going back to college. In the meantime, I won't be receiving my full paycheck so if you would like to help out and make a donation, feel free. Here is the Paypal donation link:

    Thanks everybody for your support, and here is to a hundred more years of cartoons!

    Thank you,

    --J.T. Blevins

    Posted on Tue Mar. 19, 2013 by J.T. Blevins

    Your cartoon-watching was interrupted this morning? Of course it was... Once again, my server has succeeded in causing me undue stress by installing a new version of Apache, totally disabling some features that are required by my site. Good news, though: I spanked it into a wailing temper tantrum and put it in the corner for 10 minutes. So now you may continue watching your favorite cartoons on your favorite cartoon website! Hoorah!


    Posted on Fri Mar. 15, 2013 by J.T. Blevins

    ToonJet is proud to announce the site's fifth year anniversary this April. Wow, that is a lot of cartoons! I want to say thanks to all of you who have made this site possible. ToonJet stays around because of the 25-50,000 visitors who return each month. So, stick around because there are a whole lot more classic cartoons coming your way. Remember: there is a cartoon added weekly, so tune in every Saturday for your new cartoon, and check out some of the others while you're here! There is no better place to watch cartoons online, so stick around and help keep ToonJet going strong!

    Thanks to every one of you!

    --J.T. Blevins

    Posted on Sun Feb. 10, 2013 by J.T. Blevins

    Legends is a comic book series I write and draw in my spare time, and I have worked on the series off and on for about 13 years. It has been updated with a snazzy new website, so check it out! I have a lot of fun doing the series, and once you read it, you will love it just as much as I do. Here is a short synopsis of the series:

    The world of Fandar is beset by an evil stone-skinned tyrant who vows to change his rivals into Goralons like himself, causing them to become his mindless slaves. Little Wolf, a young cub from Lobath in Greyhaven, is the descendant of one of Fandar's greatest protectors, and is foretold by the Tome of the Ancients to be the one to free the people from the scourge who calls himself Thagnon.

    Teoh, Thagnon's top general, helps further the cause as he leads his troops from Greyhaven's rival providence of Sullenmire to conquer all who oppose them.Little Wolf meets a wanderer named Joroh and a princess named Deandra, as they set out on a journey to end the coming plague against all mankind.

    Posted on Sat Nov. 17, 2012 by J.T. Blevins

    3witches.net - Some of you may know that I draw comics in my spare time (and some of you may not. You probably actually didn't. That's kind of why I'm telling you :) Anyway, 3 Witches is a fun story in comic book format available to read online for free. I love to draw and do light-hearted stories, and this is the perfect outlet. I hope you'll agree. Go now and check out my comics, you've got nothing to lose but your mind and believe me, losing your mind isn't really that bad.

    The story is about 3 really odd witches from a really odd world, in a really odd town called Witchville. The 3 Witches, Betsy, Tartella, and Gruel get sucked into a portal and are teleported to Richville, which is just about as odd as Witchville. They make friends with a girl named Starla, and since they are trapped in this world, they transform her house into one that reminds them of their own home. Their rival from their world named Sabel Screechley and her many-tentacled sidekick named Larry follow them here, and Sabel vows to best them in any way she can.

    So there you have it. Go and check it out, you just might have a new favorite comic. I know I do!

    --J.T. Blevins
    ToonJet Founder

    Posted on Tue Feb. 28, 2012 by J.T.

    There was an odd thing that happened on ToonJet recently. If you have visited ToonJet in the past couple of days, you have noticed that instead of your regularly scheduled toons, a man with a guitar and a woman were on a stage. For some reason, the videos on the server got mixed up with someone else's videos. Not really sure whose videos they were, but I have worked to get the problem back in line. So, whoever is messing with my toons...uh, you better leave them alone! :D

    Posted on Thu Nov. 24, 2011 by J.T.

    I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. There are a lot of people out there who have less than the average person, and we should think about the privileges we have. So, when you sit down to eat Thanksgiving dinner with your family, think about all the people in the world who are eating scraps, or less than that. Again, I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for helping ToonJet grow day by day!

    Posted on Fri Oct. 07, 2011 by J.T.

    I know lately the site has had a very slow loading time, and in working to remedy that, it was discovered that the registration and confirmation pages are being abused, and will be closed down temporarily until a more secure program can be written to prevent this. I have received messages about theis, and I realize there are those who want to register, but until I can block the hackers and the spammers from overloading the server, I will be forced to keep registration closed. Thanks to all of you who have stuck around since the site opened 3 years ago, and please stick around for the toons and the fun times ahead. Thanks for your support, and until next week, TOON ON!

    Posted on Mon Jun. 13, 2011 by J.T.

    Do you own a blog or website you would like to gain exposure to? If so, read on because you could have a link to your website shown to thousands of ToonJet viewers!

    If you post an article on your blog or site about ToonJet with a clear link to the website (http://www.toonjet.com), you will be rewarded for your loyalty to ToonJet and a link to your site will be announced in this news section! Pretty cool, huh? Just Contact ToonJet with the name of your blog or website, along with the exact url where the story can be found, and a link to your site will be posted. Thanks for your support!!

    Posted on Thu May. 19, 2011 by J.T.

    ToonJet has been lacking somewhat in the speed department, but due to the new upgrades implemented over the past couple of weeks, it should be purring like a kitten now so no one misses their chance to watch your favorite cartoons online! Since ToonJet has moved onto its own dedicated server, it has been a learning experience, to say the least, but things are slowly beginning to fall into place, even with traffic increasing DAILY. Analyzing search traffic mixed with direct requests, it looks like most people visit ToonJet by typing in toonjet.com. This is a good thing because it shows that people can't get enough classic cartoons, and ToonJet is your #1 source for them! So thanks to you, ToonJet has become a regular phenomenon. And thanks to you, I will be working hard to keep it going and running as smooth as possible!! So Toon On!

    --J.T. Blevins
    Singed Tentacle Productions

    Posted on Sat Feb. 05, 2011 by J.T.

    I want to apologize to all the toon fans who have been denied their cartoon fix this past week, as ToonJet has had some pretty major server problems. BUT...a lot of the issues are fixed now, still working on a few, but the site is mostly able to be navigated. I still have to work on some email issues and image rendering, but other than that, enjoy the show!

    Posted on Mon Dec. 06, 2010 by J.T.

    What's cooler than cartoons? Not much, and Facebook fans all over the world realized it this past weekend. With the emergence of a new trend, Facebook users were prompted to show their support and fight child abuse by changing their profile picture to a pic of one of their favorite cartoon characters from their childhood. Since the beginning of the trend, ToonJet traffic has spiked significantly, so to that, we have to say "cheers" to all those Facebook fans who have renewed their love for all things cartoony. Thanks again, Facebook! :)

    Posted on Mon Jun. 21, 2010 by J.T.

    This week, not only does a classic story come to life, the rendition itself is a classic! Rapunzel is this week's featured cartoon, by the great Ray Harryhausen.

    Also, you may have noticed the Facebook logo a ways down the page on the right side. It's been there for awhile, but those who have become fans receive a notification every time a new cartoon is added!

    I hope everyone will become a fan of the ToonJet Facebook page by clicking on the link (or by clicking here) and clicking the "like" button. When it comes to your cartoons, now you can be kept up to date 24/7! Check it out :)

    Posted on Sun Mar. 28, 2010 by J.T.

    Kim Komando, America's Digital Goddess
    On March 27th, 2010, ToonJet was featured on Kim Komando's website as "cool site of the day," and included in her daily newsletter. I'm extremely honored to be featured, and ToonJet received an estimated 52,000-53,000 hits from it. BTW, check out Kim Komando's radio show website for some useful and altogether cool sites each day! And before you go, bookmark ToonJet and come back every day for all the classic cartoon goodness you can handle!

    Posted on Sun Jan. 24, 2010 by J.T.

    http://www.clintonbush haitifund.org/ - Go there now to donate to the relief fund set up by former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. $100 from the revenue generated by ToonJet and Comic Domination was donated to the fund on Friday, and I wanted to help spread the word by encouraging all of ToonJet's readers to donate any amount you can afford to the fund, or to the American Red Cross. I feel like I would appreciate the same from someone if my home was destroyed and family scattered or killed. I hope anyone reading this will at least consider donating to one of the funds above, or find one that you trust. I chose the Clinton Bush fund because 100% of your donation goes to Haiti relief. So, whether or not you choose to give to one of these, I hope you will at least keep them in your thoughts and prayers, because these people need help from anyone who is willing. Thanks, guys!


    Posted on Fri Dec. 25, 2009 by J.T.

    Thanks for stopping by ToonJet, and to celebrate the holiday season, a new classic toon has been added to spread holiday cheer. Follow the links in the sidebar to even enjoy a few Christmas movies and more cartoons! The main Christmas cartoon page isn't exactly fully functional, but the links to the videos should work. I had planned to go back and re-integrate the christmas main page, but I have been working on my Comics Website day in and day out. So, if you get a chance, check out Santa's Surprise on ToonJet!

    Posted on Sat Oct. 17, 2009 by J.T.

    I just thought that I would write a note about this week's cartoon, "Rabbit Punch," which is probably one of my favorite Looney Tunes cartoons. This one goes to show how cartoons used to really go out of their way to entertain.

    Bugs taunts the "Champ" until he comes out into the audience and throws him into the ring. Bugs takes him on, as they attack each other in progressively dramatic and intuitive ways. Bugs has the Champ in a leg lock, and he scares the bejeesus out of him. Bugs breaks a board in two as the Champ hears something snap. The Champ also has a few tricks up his sleeve. Check out Bugs Bunny in "Rabbit Punch" on ToonJet!

    Posted on Fri Sep. 11, 2009 by J.T. Blevins

    Barack Obama says: "Comic Domination provides good, wholesome reading for children, adults, dogs, cats, and vegetables everywhere!" (Barack Obama, age 8, Clifton, OH) Traffic is picking up for CD, and frogs everywhere agree it blows the warts off their backs!

    Comics are where it's at, and Comic Domination has plenty of them! Everyone is saying it's the Bee's Pajamas and the Cat's Knees! So, head there, now, or your mom's boyfriend's toupe' will attack you from behind with a twirling pile driver that will cause your head to come out your butt crack!!


    Posted on Sat Aug. 22, 2009 by J.T.

    Well, it's official. ComicDomination.com is now live!!! After months of long hours of coding and designing, webcomics creators can now go online and publish their work for free! And not only that, it includes some of the most powerful publishing tools available on the web for comic book creators wanting to publish online.

    So, if you're a comics creator, or if you are a comic lover, there is plenty of stuff there for you to do! Heck, I even added my own comics, 3 Witches and Legends, to the lineup! So check it out and add it to your favorites!

    Posted on Mon Aug. 10, 2009 by J.T.

    Since the last post, ToonJet has grown tremendously to double the users we had before. That goes to show how much we love our classic cartoons here at ToonJet! :D

    Weekly updates are behind a bit, as is the ToonJet Toonletter mailing list, but this month has been very busy. An update will be on its way soon, I promise! Remember that you can share any of the cartoons (excluding some of the cartoons on the live channels) with friends and neighbors by clicking on the "email this" link on the cartoon's page, or the envelope icon on the main page by the cartoon's screenshot. Spread the word, someone will appreciate it :)

    Posted on Thu Jun. 11, 2009 by J.T. Blevins

    The new interactive Web 2.0 style interface for ToonJet has been online for 3 months, and the member list has grown to OVER 1,000!!! The ranks are growing daily, and new features are still in the works, so to all the new members: thanks for joining!

    Also, the current newsletter was just sent out, and Gmail is reportedly marking the ToonJet Toonletter as spam. So, if you are a member, check your spam folder in your email account and be sure to mark it as "not spam." That way, you won't stop receiving the newest cartoon additions on ToonJet!

    That having been said, I am going to go watch cartoons until my hemorrhoids flare up into hot air balloons!

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