Today in Cartoon HistoryHellboy: Sword of Storms is Released Mon Feb. 06, 2006 - Revolution Studios' animated feature film Hellboy: Sword of Storms is released to video.
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ToonJet Classic Cartoon BlogTop 10 Best 3D Animated Films of all TimeWho doesn't like a good animated movie? The past few years have seen a boom in 3D animated movies, and I will try to sum up the best of the best of the least worst and leave out the worst of the most bad. On top of the latest and greatest, it includes a couple of the classics. The art and the industry have already begun to change and expand...
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Home >
> Classic Cartoons Go Mobile
Posted on Fri Feb. 07, 2014 by J.T. Blevins
On February 5th, visitors who browsed the site on a mobile phone began to experience the new ToonJet mobile site! In all honesty, the format has been in the works for a couple of years, but never completed. Hopefully the final version holds up to the cartoon-lovers who want to experience classic toons on the go. Obviously, it is not going to be perfect by any means, and the features may not work exactly as expected 100% of the time, but hopefully over time the kinks will all get ironed out. But in my opinion, when browsing the site on a handheld screen, it is much more helpful to be able to actually read the site and to be able to see the videos rather than making your eyeballs explode from squinting so hard! :) And like I mentioned, it is far from perfect, and there are features that I want to implement, but may not be able to for some time, so please no hate mail...just joking. I like hearing from fans of the site, even if you are an avid hater. So, without further ado, go to your nearest phone and check it out!